Prime 1200 Watt Mono Amplifier


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SKU: R2-1200X1 Category: Tag:


Primed for Performance, the R2-1200X1 is a 1200 watt, class-D amplifier, capable of operating at 4?, 2? or 1? mono. This amplifier is extremely efficient because of its Class-D technology which reduces demand on the vehicles electrical system. The amp also features C.L.E.A.N. circuitry to help you adjust your gain settings, a P.O.W.E.R. Supply that generates more power as voltage increases, and integrated Punch EQ that corrects for acoustic deficiencies while delivering up to 3X the bass. For subwoofers, a variable infrasonic filter and remote level control allows you to tune the bass for the desired level for the music.


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